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Seoul sewage service satisfaction is over 60%'서울시 하수도 서비스 만족도 60% 이상'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] Seoul announced the results of a survey on the public awareness of the sewage sector, which was conducted on 4,000 citizens.

The second public awareness survey, conducted since 2017, is designed to assess the performance of the ongoing sewage system project and to create priorities for providing quality services.

The survey was divided into online surveys for the entire Seoul city and one-on-one (face-to-face) interviews with local residents in areas with inconvenient sewage and water supply to closely grasp the local citizen's requirements.

According to the survey, satisfaction level of sewage service was over 60% (62.5% online and 65.7% face-to-face), which is slightly higher (3.9%) when compared to 2017 (58.6% online).

Among the nine items related to sewage, citizens experienced inconveniences in the following order: smell (28.6% online, 44.6% face-to-face), construction (13.0% online, 14.3% face-to-face), and cleaning of the septic tank (9.6% online and 13.1% face-to-face).

The citizens demanded that the government focus its management on enhancing the basic functions of sewage systems, such as maintenance of old facilities and flood control, in order to improve sewage services and develop sewage systems.

“This survey was a meaningful opportunity to reaffirm the public's desire for sewage,” said an official from the Seoul Metropolitan Government. “We will continue to communicate with the public so that they can lead a decent life by carrying out the projects they need in a timely manner.”

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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