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Government to spend 20.2 trillion won over the next five years to reduce fine dust'미세먼지 20조 투입, 2024년까지 35% 줄인다'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The government has finalized the ‘Comprehensive Plan for Fine Dust Management (2020-2024)’ that presents policy directions and implementation tasks for fine dust over the next five years.

The comprehensive plan consists of a total of 42 tasks and 177 detailed tasks in five major areas, including domestic reduction, international cooperation, national health, policy base and communication, and 20.2 trillion won will be spent over the planned period.

The government expects to reduce the annual average concentration of ultra-fine dust (PM2.5) by more than 35% compared to 2016 by 2024 if the task of implementing the comprehensive plan is carried out quickly and smoothly.

To reduce fine dust, the government will accelerate domestic emissions reductions. It will strengthen regulations on emissions from businesses that have large emission sources of fine dust (39% as of 2016) and expand support for small businesses.

The seasonal management system will be implemented from December to March to protect the people’s health.

The government is also planning to strengthen South Korea-China cooperation and expand the scope of cooperation projects from the focus of research projects to the reduction projects.

In addition to strengthening health protection for those who are sensitive and vulnerable, the government will introduce a weekly forecast of fine dust and conduct a close public relations campaign.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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