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24-hour flood emergency response system to be launched'여름철 홍수피해 방지... 24시간 비상대응'

[The Hwankyung Ilbo] The Ministry of Environment announced that it will launch a 24-hour flood emergency response system from May 15 to prevent flood damage in summer, such as typhoons and heavy rainfall, in accordance with the natural disaster countermeasure period (from May 15 to October 15).

In particular, if a typhoon or heavy rain warning goes into effect, the government plans to operate a flood control situation room to respond quickly and effectively to emergency situations.

In addition, the number of points subject to special flood warnings, which are issued for main points of national and local rivers, will be increased from 55 to 60. The frequency of providing flood information will be shortened from 10 minutes to 1 minute.

The Environment Ministry will hold a meeting to review flood damage prevention measures this year, involving officials from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 17 cities and provinces and 4 flood control stations, to publicize improvements in flood prevention policies and to check cooperative systems among disaster prevention agencies.

“As conditions for flood response are worsening due to frequent local torrential rains caused by climate change, we will make every effort to protect the lives and property of the people by establishing a close cooperative system among ministries,” said an official of the Ministry of Environment.

조수빈 리포터  press@hkbs.co.kr

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